I have heard this old saying all my life, "Somedays it doesn't pay to get up". I thought it meant that you had a bad day and everything went wrong and the day was a waste. It probably did mean that to me. But it doesn't now that I am 76 years old. Hey, old lady, get up and make the day pay. And, yes, I can make this happen.
First, I have to forget about supposed injustices that have cut me to the soul. I'm overstating in most cases as far as I am concerned. Major on the major --not the minor, as my mother used to say! So I've been hurt. Who hasn't been? Get over it. Think about helping someone else deal with their hurt. Pre-occupation with self is selfishness in the raw. Have a positive plan -- I write mine down! And I chart it out. What can I do today to make it a day that is worth the living! No one else has to bless the plan -- it is mine to bless and I will be blessed by living a day that will make a slight difference to me and to someone else.
To me, this is the difference between living and liking the fact that I have been given another day to live!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
A new friend..and scholarship recipient!
I love visiting with my scholarship recipients..and today was no exception! This was the first time I had met Jeniese Fox and it was upbeat! We started talking immediately and it never stopped!
She has three children, home-schooled for some time, goes to La Croix church and her major is Mass Comm! I admire her spunk and discipline! I remember my own efforts during those days!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Love knows no bounds
At my birthday this year I was shocked at the response of people I did not even know this time last year. My work at the Baptist Student Center has opened up all kinds of inroads to me and I live on those roads every day!
Monday, July 28, 2014
My Brother-in-law and me!
One of my favorite photographs of my brother-in-law, Warren E. Hearnes, is with me when I was 14 and I would go stay with them in Columbia and keep their kids so they could go to school. His birthday was also last week and I took memento photographs down to the party as a treat. I love this pic. It touches my heart.
So WEH, you are gone but you are not forgotten!
So WEH, you are gone but you are not forgotten!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Sara and Dans anniversary
Sara, my daughter, got married on my birthday and they celebrated their 31st anniversary last night in St Louis! They are in the air flying somewhere all of the time. I don't envy them!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
One of the things that children do by their presence is to stir up memories. A mother remembers the earlier days and its joys...and its worries. One of the things that Sara and I did was to look at slides. And when I was Brownie leader and we did a Sesquicentennial Reception at Campus School. I kept all the old pics and we laughed and laughed at the pics of this and the one when my sister brought her second baby home. It takes you back to a gentler world when the world was smaller and kinder and less harried.
Probably wasn't in fact; but nice that we can remember it in that way!
Probably wasn't in fact; but nice that we can remember it in that way!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Ft Campbell tour
Wow! Ft Campbell has a tank with a bomb in it on post. Next to it is the radar tower. I wish my son Jim Stacy was here with is to see all this. He sat on every cannon in Washington, D.C.
Winery post-time Thursday
We spent Thursday afternoon at the Bellemeade House and Winery and felt the affects more ways than one! I have walked until my hips and back are screaming for a heating pad or a seat!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Ft Campbell and Bailey
What a great day! Got to see my grAnddaughter's classroom and got my first pedicure which I immediately ruined with my closed toes flats! Mark called while I was getting this done and I chatted like I was some rich pampered bitch!
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Sara has a party
We have partied all day! Breakfast with Dawn Erlbacher, reception at the church for 17 people and dinner that evening with Bev and Debbie Bickings! I may not live thru my birthday!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Sara here for birthday week
Sara got here yesterday afternoon and we are already on the go! Getting ready to go to reception at church for her friends at two! Then dinner with Bev Hickam and Debbie Bickings at old New Orleans!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Daddy's birthday
Yesterday was Daddy's birthday; he was born in 1898. No one has shaped my life and attitudes as much as he has! So I decided I would have a check ready when Bruce Gentry came over that morning for A b Cooper meals! And I did!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Cathy Davis at Re -runs
Last night I went with Debbie Bickings to the Library downtown to say goodbye to Cathy Davis who is leaving Cape and moving to Ohio! We will miss her! I have taken my clothes to her for resale and then I told her I wanted no money!
Friday, July 18, 2014
Greg Brune and morning coffee!
We worked together at SEMO for 18 years and started every morning with coffee together during the week. It is a habit neither of us want to break. So we went out this morning to Cup and Cork and indulged in what we do best: coffee and gossip. Then we took a tour around the River Campus to see the new dormitory and how high the river was! It is always a fun break to laugh. We like and trust the same people and we don't have to wait to see what the other person's opinions are on much. We got that down pat!
So the day started out well. I am in a happy mood and that is a good thing....and a usual thing.
So the day started out well. I am in a happy mood and that is a good thing....and a usual thing.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Julia and Estella
These girls are the great grands of my sister, Julia Warren. Jamee Shelbyis their grandmother and Janice S. Kyramarios is their mother. The connection of Julia follows all four lines--Julia James Shelby--and Julia Janice Shelby. I love the connection thread of the Julias in our family. And now we have Julia Kyramarios.
My name is Margaret Jane. I was named for Glenda Margaret Brock and Janie May Cooper. Names and namesakes keep connections alive.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Planning for Sara Dyer visit
She is coming in this weekend and there is whirlwind of activity: Reception on Monday and seeing friends and then party at Charleston on Tuesday! Going to Ft Campbell on Wednesday to see Bailey! I am excited!
I need to rest up and get ready!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
A Chinese Dinner
One of my strong connections in the connection I feel for the six scholarship recipients I have each year. It is an irreplaceable connection in my life --I can see for myself what my investment is doing in the lives of individuals. And I feel a part of these lives!
We had a wonderful birthday dinner tonight for Jun Li "Nicky", who also receives A B Cooper Scholarship! Nicky and Lu Yan are both from China and are accounting majors at Semo!
We had a wonderful birthday dinner tonight for Jun Li "Nicky", who also receives A B Cooper Scholarship! Nicky and Lu Yan are both from China and are accounting majors at Semo!
We had a wonderful birthday dinner tonight for Jun Li "Nicky", who also receives A B Cooper Scholarship! Nicky and Lu Yan are both from China and are accounting majors at Semo!
Monday, July 14, 2014
Ron Hahs insurance
Went out today with Ron Hahs to discuss insurance and investments! He is my Northwestern agent! We always go out to eat for my birthday! Good information and friend!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
The Erlbacher luncheon
Had a wonderful Sunday luncheon at Olive Garden with Francine's three girls: Dawn Ton, Debbie Steger And Kathy VandeVen! Gave them each a jewelry box from me! Wonderful time of memories.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
The Erlbacher girls come to town
The Erlbacher girls have come to town and we are going out to eat tomorrow! I love those girls! They lived down the street and are like my kids! I'm so happy they keep me in their life--dawn, Debbie and Kathy!
Friday, July 11, 2014
Michael John Finnegan Obituary

Michael John Finnegan, 58, of Cape Girardeau, formerly of Skaneateles, New York, passed away Sunday, July 6, 2014, in Cape Girardeau, surrounded by his children.
He was born Sept. 15, 1955, in Utica, New York, to Eugene and the late Virginia "Gussie" Finnegan. He and Annie Frye Finnegan were married in 1996 in Cape Girardeau.
Michael was a beloved father, uncle, son, BROTHER and friend, and will be missed by so many.
He graduated from Skaneateles High School in 1973. He received a bachelor of science DEGREE in chemistry, polymer science from State University of New York College of Environment Science and Forestry in 1978. He also graduated from Ohio State University.
Michael was distinguished in his profession as a polymer scientist. In 2007 two of his inventions were issued patents United States 7,189,666 and United States 7,160,939.
When Michael was not working he enjoyed spending time with his children, coaching soccer, reading and entertaining. Michael was a big Dave Matthews fan and his favorite QUOTE was, "Life is short but sweet for certain." -- DMB.
Survivors include his father, Eugene Finnegan of Skaneateles; four children, William Michael Finnegan of Columbus, Ohio, Jordan Lowry, Layne Finnegan and Holly Finnegan, all of Cape Girardeau; three brothers, Thomas Finnegan of Rochester, New York, Robert (Kathie) Finnegan of Uxbridge, Massachusetts, and Paul Finnegan of Chattanooga, Tennessee; four sisters, Mary Hoare of Liverpool, New York, Carol (Bob) Ciullo of HAMILTON, Virginia, Laura (Ryan) Fannon of Alexandria, Virginia, and Sharon (George) Azzam of Skaneateles; and 19 nieces and nephews.
He was preceded by his mother, the late Virginia "Gussie" Finnegan in 2002.
In lieu of flowers, the family has set up a trust for Michael's children, called the Michael J. Finnegan Children's Trust, c/o Anne Finnegan, trustee, 1521 N. Henderson Ave., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701.
Funeral Mass will be at 10 a.m. Monday at St. Mary's of the Lake, 81 Jordan St., Skaneateles.
Ford and Sons FUNERAL HOME is in charge of arrangements.
Online condolences may be shared at fordandsonsfuneralhome.com.
© Copyright 2014 Southeast Missourian. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Ed Gargas and me
We were connected from the heart and the laugh box--me and Ed! He was head of Homecoming Steering Committee twice and he ran it efficiently! I loved him then and still do! Today we went out to eat and we never had a moment of silence! And much laughter!
How do two people hit it off and continue to do so! I have no clue but I know when it happens! Thanks Ed for being there for me and letting me be there for you!
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Dentist office visit
I hate those visits and it will ruin my day! They never give you a sucker and say well done! They give you extra appointments and suggest you may live thru them! But yuk I am going anyway!
Love this pic and it is Daniels birthday! I miss those fun days!
Monday, July 7, 2014
Any Volunteers for Baptist Student Center?
Tonight Matt Porter from the Baptist Student Center dropped by and we caught up with one another. Matt is working at a Christian camp this summer. He was telling me about the upcoming retreat the Baptist Student Center is planning for their students--a trip to the Georgia mountains in early August. To learn more, you can check on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1417815931823939/.
Also, Matt was telling me about a great idea Julie Southard gave him. Julie suggested that all the BSC volunteers meet before the semester begins to brainstorm and plan events for the upcoming semester. This way, we can work together to come up with great ideas and have the time to implement them. Matt and I are both excited about the upcoming semester! Would you like to be a volunteer? Contact Bruce Gentry, Matt Porter, or me via Facebook or by calling 335-6006.
Also, Matt was telling me about a great idea Julie Southard gave him. Julie suggested that all the BSC volunteers meet before the semester begins to brainstorm and plan events for the upcoming semester. This way, we can work together to come up with great ideas and have the time to implement them. Matt and I are both excited about the upcoming semester! Would you like to be a volunteer? Contact Bruce Gentry, Matt Porter, or me via Facebook or by calling 335-6006.
The death of Mike Finnegan
Yesterday Mike Finnegan died. He married my niece, Annie Finnegan, years ago and while the marriage ended in divorce, she took care of him after he got sick. And her children were his children. It is strange that the ties of connection can't be ever broken. I went to see him in the nursing home twice and I tried to thank him for what he did for the children. I think he was pleased. Some things don't work out the way they were intended.
But no matter what happened in the marriage, or what didn't happen, there are children who are dealing with the pain of losing a father a month after losing their grandmother. Sixteen year olds are not philosophers; they are teen-agers with jobs, and fears and endless worries and doubts. Lord, show me what I can do to help in this situation and if I need to stay butted out so they can deal, let me know that also. I want to do what I can to help but sometimes, the thing to do is let them find themself first.
But no matter what happened in the marriage, or what didn't happen, there are children who are dealing with the pain of losing a father a month after losing their grandmother. Sixteen year olds are not philosophers; they are teen-agers with jobs, and fears and endless worries and doubts. Lord, show me what I can do to help in this situation and if I need to stay butted out so they can deal, let me know that also. I want to do what I can to help but sometimes, the thing to do is let them find themself first.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Sunday -- a new start for the week
I can't sleep a full night anymore -- my mind is whirring and my bladder is stirring. I finally have learned to get up, get a cup of coffee and start my day in my mind. It is 7:16 and I have been up for an hour and making a list and checking it twice.
I decide what I want to do and why for the week. Mike Finnegan is bad but this is an urgency for Annie and her children. I have tried to reach out for them but they have not responded so I take that as an easy sign for me to butt out. And I will. Gary Gilbert, one of our old friends, drowned over the 4th at Castor River, and I want to reach out to them, also.
But I want this day to count for something at the end of it. What can I do that would be meaningful to someone else! That is my criteria for worth each day!
I decide what I want to do and why for the week. Mike Finnegan is bad but this is an urgency for Annie and her children. I have tried to reach out for them but they have not responded so I take that as an easy sign for me to butt out. And I will. Gary Gilbert, one of our old friends, drowned over the 4th at Castor River, and I want to reach out to them, also.
But I want this day to count for something at the end of it. What can I do that would be meaningful to someone else! That is my criteria for worth each day!
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Bailey Dyer Cheben
Bailey or Boo as I call her is my girl with the laughing eyes, a go along girl who does not insist on her own way but decides, along the way, what she wants to do with her own life. She starts teaching at Ft Campbell in August and I smell instant and long term success! This is a girl who radiates kindness with professionalism!
I am so proud of her!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Imminent death of Mike Finnegan
Started this Fourth of July morning by a phone call from my niece, Annie Finnegan, saying that her ex-husband, Mike Finnegan, was dying! He is the father of two of her children and her mother died a month ago! So the kids have been living with the ominous presence of death for a long time!
This experience stays with us forever and shapes us! I am concerned for all of them and ask for prayers for Holly, who is 16!
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Freedom to live again!
It will soon be July 4 and a day when we speak about freedom! And I think of the person who is most responsible for allowing me a venue to go on with my life, unfettered and put together with scotch tape and bandages! That was my mother! I was going thru a painful divorce which had been thrust upon me and I was dying inside. My mother sent word to me to come home to Charleston. My siblings were worried and spoke up about how much responsibility she was taking on and she shut them up. They thought I should stay with my children and she said no --they were children who could not help having divided loyalties! She told all of her children that she would call when they could visit but she would be the gatekeeper for everyone. And what a gatekeeper! When I was bad, no one else knew it or was allowed in! She stood like a giant for me!
Divided loyalties are superfluous. People who stand only for you are invaluable to a person deciding, again, that life is worth the living!
Thanks, Mama.
Divided loyalties are superfluous. People who stand only for you are invaluable to a person deciding, again, that life is worth the living!
Thanks, Mama.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
I've been hacked!
It started last night when people said they had been getting friend responses from me when I was already their friend! Then people started writing and calling in and telling me I was being hacked!
This morning Lana Richmond called and said that the hacker said that I wanted them to pay a fee because I had gotten a big check from Ynited Nations!
And then she was told that it was taken off because it was spam! I can't believe this but now I will spend my entire day dealing with the problem! Nothing is simple!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Christiane Mancel comments on becoming US Citizen, congratulations to her.
I am proud to say that today I became an American Citizen. I was also asked to say the Pledge of Allegiance in front of everybody. Truly honored.
Christiane you do SEMO and the Cooper family proud. Welcome to the USA. (Christiane lived with Dr. Jennie Cooper while she was a student and now a proud US citizen.)
Jane Cooper Stacy
Christiane you do SEMO and the Cooper family proud. Welcome to the USA. (Christiane lived with Dr. Jennie Cooper while she was a student and now a proud US citizen.)
Jane Cooper Stacy
Tired of feeling bad!
I have felt sorry for myself long enough, I'm getting up and making something happen today! Enough of hiding out on the couch and watching news all day!
So Gloria is coming to clean house and Mark is coming to do errands and computer work and I have to keep them both busy!
So throw off the doom and get in the game today and make something happen!
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