I read the newspaper this Sunday morning and one column jumped out at me. It was entitled "Restaurateur a dealer in hope" and was written by the columnist Cal Thomas. Now he is way too conservative for my liking, and I want to jump through the television and shake my fist in his face every time he is on, but I read on. He began his column by citing a columnist Leonard Pitts who wrote about what was happening in Charlotte last week besides the Democratic National Convention.
And then I became glued to each word. Jim Noble is a restauateur in Charlotte who has opened a restaurant that feeds the growing homeless population. It is located downtown in between a Hooter's and a Morton's Steak House. Jim donates his profits to a ministry that helps people get training so that they can find work while also finding food in the restaurant. Yes, it is aptly named, "The King's Kitchen".
Jim , shown above in the restaurant, says: "If you can change the way a person sees himself, you can change his whole life. If they can just reconnect with the dreams they had when they were young, build their faith and trust God to get out of the ditch, they can transform their lives." Noble says that there are enough churches in Charlotte that if each one helped just one poor or homeless person, the problem would be effectively solved.
This restaurant and ministry is theology at work. It's called making a real difference. Mark, the disciple, wrote in Mark 4:30-32: "Then Jesus said, 'How can I show you what the Kingdom of God is like? What story can I use to explain it ? The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, the smallest seed you plant in the ground. But when planted this seed grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants. It produces large branches and the wild birds can make nests in its shade.'" Taking a chance on faith-walking is an essential step of building the kingdom of God on earth! It means giving the person who has lost hope, a taste again!
I want to be a part of dispensing hope! Is there any better ministry than to feed a person physically, emotionally and spiritually? I can't think of any better ministry! Can you?
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